#119 Konstantin Korotov – Why Society Needs to Shape its Leaders

In our new CONVOCO! Podcast Corinne M. Flick speaks with Konstantin Korotov, Professor of Organizational Behavior at the ESMT, about: 

Why Society Needs to Shape its Leaders

Here’s what he said:

We may disagree on many things, but we still need to agree on something, and that’s exactly the role of the leaders in the future […] Leaders should be able to navigate this world of louder, more diverse, and more divergent voices.

Understanding the anxieties, the fears, the hopes, fantasies of the people and trying to put them to the best possible use in a situation of change – that’s the job of a leader.

I subscribe to the statement “Management is about coping with complexity; leadership is about coping with change“.

I’m perfectly fine with a business leader to be motivated by the desire to take her/his organization to the new heights and become a famous and rich person. For the politicians I would expect a social motivation and a feeling of responsibility.

Many of us do not want to be leaders. But for us to be led, we need to understand what we want from leaders and explain this to those who are potentially aiming to become leaders in the societies or in organizations.

Previous #118 Philip Manow – Rettet der Rechtstaat die Demokratie, oder umgekehrt?


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