CONVOCO! Forum 2017
The 13th CONVOCO Forum took place on 29 July in Salzburg. This year’s topic was „The Common Good in the 21st Century“.
The introduction of Dr Corinne Flick, founder of Convoco, was the prelude. She underlined that we need to put the common good into the centre of our thinking once again. Only then can we deal with the coming challenges, on a national as well as a global level.
This was followed by a lecture from former judge of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Dr. Udo Di Fabio. He talked about the common good of the global society and emphasized that the substantial definition of the common good needs to be discussed not only more frequently but also with more sophistication and information.
The subsequent panel discussion saw Prof. Dr. Dr. Udo Di Fabio, president of the ifo Institute Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest, president of the Federal Fiscal Court Prof. Dr. Rudolf Mellinghoff and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Schön (Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance) discuss with Prof. Dr. Christoph Paulus (Humboldt University Berlin) questions of the reference frame, sovereignty over definitions and the tension between individual and common goods.
Dr. Stefan Oschmann, CEO of Merck, then talked about „Global Health: Part of the Common Good or a Private Commodity?“. He argued that the best way to ensure our own health is to be concerned about the health of everyone else. Fostering global health means fostering the common good.
After the break, the Forum continued with a panel discussion about Sustainability, Economy, and the Common Good. The business psychologist Prof. Dr. Timo Meynhardt started off the panel by presenting the Gemeinwohlatas (the common good atlas) which is a ranking of businesses and organizations and their societal benefits as attributed by the German public. In the subsequent discussion with Prof. Dr. Stefan Korioth (Ludwig Maximilians University Munich) business consultant Prof. Dr. h.c. Roland Berger, Dr. Nikolaus von Bomhard (Munich RE), Prof. Dr. Kai Konrad (Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance), the main theme was the central role of businesses for the creation of the common good.
The third part of the Forum focussed the relationship between digitization, new technologies such as blockchain and AI and the common good. Dr. Trent McConaghy (BigchainDB, IPDB) gave an inspiring talk about human self-actualization. He described a map, a decentralized system for humanity to collectively graph the steps towards self actualization, from conquering malaria and a shared planetary database, to universal basic income and even asteroid mining, that makes use of a blockchain token launch as a means of financing.
This was followed by a panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Peter M. Huber (Federal Constitutional Court), Dr. Julie Maupin (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law), Dr. Stefan Oschmann, Bruce Pon (BigchainDB) und Prof. Dr. Herbert Reitsamer (University Hospital Salzburg) about new technologies and their regulation.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest concluded the Convoco Forum 2017 with a look into the future of the common good. He underlined that a democratic state under the rule of law ist he best means we have to realize the common good.
Convoco thanks Vöslauer and Audi for their generous donations.